
Klassikaraadio is the largest audience of all continuously operating cultural media-channels in Estonia. Klassikaraadio’s present schedule features cultural programs and news as well as a wide spectrum of quality musics – from West-European classics and contemporary music to folk, jazz, world music. The share of Estonian music in our programme constitutes 20%.

A remarkable part of Klassikaraadio’s programming – 10 hours every week – is taken up by broadcasting live concerts from both Estonian and foreign venues. As regards music events in our homeland, we make approximately 150 live broadcasts every year. Klassikaraadio schedules all concerts performed by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and records most of the premieres of Estonian composers’ new works.

Klassikaraadio’s weekly series, Nyyd-muusika (“Music of the Now”), dedicated to different aspects of and developments in the fields of contemporary composition and experimental music, is on the air on Tuesdays at 21:00. Nyyd-muusika covers also the International Rostrum of Composers, featuring the works presented and discussions held at this major forum of new music.

Presented Works 2024

Liisa Hõbepappel                    Rosa majalis
Liisa Hirsch                              Earth Veins

Presented Works 2023

Anna-Margret Noorhani          METRO 8
Sander Saarmets                      and the sky turned yellow

Presented Works 2022

Madli Marje Gildemann    Transpiration

Arash Yazdani                      Hurreh

Presented Works 2021

Lauri Jõeleht                       Chant Harmonique

Alisson Kruusmaa              As if a River Were Singing… (Justkui jõgi oleks laulnud…)

Presented Works 2019

Gerta Raidma                   „je suis”

Arash Yazdani                   „Nakba”

Presented Works 2018

Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes       Lighting the Fire

Liina Sumera                               Conatus“ for 16 speakers

Presented Works 2017

Marianna Liik                 Motion in Oscillating Fields

Elis Vesik                          To become a tree

Presented Works 2016

Maria Kõrvits                  Langedes ülespoole, taeva kaarjasse kaussi (falling up into the bowl of sky)

Ülo Krigul                         Vesi ise (Water is)

Presented Works 2015

HIRSCH LIiisa                  Ascending … Descending

GRIGORJEVA Galina       The Snow is Falling