

Spillerom Søndag is the name of the programme for contemporary music in the NRK P2 (channel 2). It’s a weekly programme, 2 hours on Sundays:
1 hour radio-magazine at 2.03 p.m.-3.00 p.m. and a 1 hour-concert (or CD’s) 7.30 p.m – 8.30 p.m.

Presented Works 2024

Martin Rane Bauck            tostados en córdoba en medio de la noche
Tyler Futrell                        Schism )) Pier

Presented Works 2023

Andreas Gundersen                   Badjel, for sinfonietta
Øyvind Mæland                           Tales off Balance, for orchestra

Presented Works 2022

Kristine Tjøgersen                 Between Trees
Øyvind Torvund                    A Walk Into the Future (Ein tur inn i framtida),                                                       from Two Symphonic Poems

Presented Works 2021

Martin Oedegaard                Moments of Truth
Anna Linh Berg                    Abrasion II for String Quarter

Presented Works 2019

Herman Vogt                       Solsangen (Canticle of the Sun)

Presented Works 2018

Fischer Olsen Sigurd               Sserenade
Fischer Olsen Sigurd               Mistérios do corpo

Presented Works 2017


Presented Works 2016

Lene Grenager                           Vev
Therese Birkelund Ulvo           Shadows and Shields, for clarinet and orchestra

Presented Works 2015

MIKALSEN Jan Erik          Songr for Orchestra –  Selected Work IRC 2015